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Review guidelines

article update date Laatst bijgewerkt: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 6:02 pm
article author Prepared by: Global Rank Group

Comply with TrustedDatingApps.com's Terms of Service.

You can find our full Terms of Service at https://www.TrustedDatingApps.com/algemene-voorwaarden/.

Don't spam, objectionable or inappropriate content in your reviews.

No one likes reviews that are meant to upset other people. Make sure your review is practical for other users looking for the item. For example, reviews consisting of duplication (copy/paste), malware or advertisements would not be found useful. In addition, reviews that do not relate to the current situation of a website as well as from our ranked providers will be excluded; e.g. tips and questions.

Do not abuse the review system.

We value real, constructive feedback from users to help the creator grow; so using various alternative accounts to mass rate products, or targeting unsolicited ads to users, or artificially driving reviews through the voting or rating system will not be allowed.

Do not use words that are of a sexual nature or link to them.

TrustedDatingApps.com works to provide safe and family-friendly content and products to our users. Simply stating that an article has NSFW features is fine, but using an explicit term about the type of content or the name of the feature is not.

Don't bother other visitors

TrustedDatingApps.com is a comparison platform through which we try to take care of all types of users. It prevents anyone's heritage, religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, affiliation, or special needs from being portrayed in a negative light. This consists of sharing personally identifiable information about users (i.e., name, address, email, phone number, IP, etc.).

Do not promote, talk about, or incite violations of laws or our guidelines

We do not apologize for promoting or posting illegal or transgressive content, Please avoid publishing material that mentions or consists of, but is not limited to: violence, fraud, use of controlled substances, underage drinking, or child or animal cruelty.

Please do not impersonate any other person or organization.

We want to avoid any form of deception and distortion on our website, therefore we do not allow the publication of suggestive information that will misinform our visitors.

Do not encourage users to leave reviews.

Reviews should be an honest and realistic reflection of a user's experience - to nurture this, we do not allow ranked providers to offer rewards for submitting a review on our websites.